Whether you're recovering from an actual hangover, or a financial one - post party blues are real. So let's take a quick look and recap how the people around you are doing after the holiday season, now that we've had some time to relax and reflect.

There are a lot of guides available online that give suggestions on how to tip the people that make your life easier on a daily basis. Whether it's an extra generous tip to the person delivering your pizza, or a holiday bonus tip to your doorman, here's how many Frichies actually tipped extra during the holidays: 42% did, 58% didn't.

A few weeks back we asked you whether you think it's ok to regift a gift. But what about returning a gift? Is it ever ok to do that? When it comes to Frichies, 44% of you had already returned at least one gift you received over the holidays. Yikes... makes you think if anyone returned one of your gifts 👀

That same week we also asked you if a gift card is a lazy gift or if you actually prefer getting money as a gift. From the previous question, it seems like gifting money could be the answer. But if so - how much should you gift?
The average amount Frichies would consider as a "good" gift card value was $30. Now you know!