It's hard to know how you're doing if you can't compare yourself to others. That's the entire reason Frich exists - how can you know if you need to take action if you don't even know how you're doing??
So sometimes you just want a vibe check to see how you're doing compared to others. And who knows? Maybe you're doing a lot better than you thought 😉

Here's how you guys feel - 27% are excited about their futures but worried about money at the same time; 21% are mostly worried (🥺); 22% are sure they'll figure everything out; and 29% feel confident financially, but are worried about other things.
So what's the takeaway?
To some extent, everyone is worried so try to go easy on yourself :) But for those of you who said that you're really worried - please reach out to us ( and let us know how we can help!! Our goal is to get you the tools and knowledge you need to be f*ckin rich (in assets, experiences & relationships)❤️

More than half said that you're not sure if you will inherit anything. That's not an ideal answer - you want to know if it's a yes or a no. We know these conversations can be really uncomfortable to have with your family. Don't worry, we're one step ahead of you! The Frich team has put together a list of questions we believe everyone should have with their parent to have a stronger relationship. Check out our short video on IG here!
As for the rest of you - 38% said that your parents have already told you that you'll be inheriting property, and 2% have already inherited it.

So now that you know that most of us are stressed about something, here's a look into the deepest, darkest fears that keep your friends awake at night.
More than a third of you stay up at night worrying about the trajectory of your careers and salaries; another third worries about their current financial situation; 23% worry about their chances of ever getting to a point where they'll be able to afford large purchases (such as a home or a car); and 9% of you worry about paying off your loans.
We just want to say that our newsletter & the app are great resources for tools and tips for each of these areas, and here are free 20-min courses to crush these anxieties:
Beginner's Guide to Investing (investing can help you build up wealth for those larger purchases!)
Credit Package (a higher credit score is one of the key levers to qualifying for cheaper loans!)
Professional Package (we know the job market is tough right now but this will help!)
And don't be a stranger - subscribe to our newsletter using the button below! 🥰